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ComputerButler, your Contact for IT services, programming, online shops, graphic and web design.

ComputerButler is a full-service provider that combines strategy, creativity and technology to deliver exceptional and outstanding business solutions for you and your company. We specialize in providing IT solutions that ensure all the digital building blocks in everything we do are seamlessly integrated into your business.

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Software development

Web, iOS or Android
Have online stores, games, apps and applications developed by ComputerButler.
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IT Services

ComputerButler offers you individual IT service from one source.
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Web design

Without hidden costs
We create your website in modern barrier-free web design or relaunch it.
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IT Consulting

IT-Optimierung & IT-Strategie
Wir optimieren Unternehmens- und IT-Prozesse, analysieren Daten und optimieren ihre Abläufe.
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IT Lösungen

Professionelle Dienstleistungen
Geschäftsanwendungen wie ERP, xRM, CMS, PIM, DMS, DAM, HR und Business Intelligence.
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Apple Services

Apple Services und Support
Apple-Dienstleistungen, Hard-und Software-Support, Reparaturen, Fehlerbehebung oder iCloud.
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online marketing

Position digitally online
Umsatz durch SEO/SEM Suchmaschinenoptimierung, Google Ads und Socialmarketing.
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IT Training

Guaranteed implementation
Practical IT seminars specially tailored to your requirements and career.
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Wartung & Reparatur

Fehlerbehebung und Installation

Serverwartung, Virenentfernung, PC- & Notebook-Reparatur, Aufrüstung, Datenrettung

We are ComputerButler and we'll take your business to the top.

Our mission is to provide our clients with competitive advantages so that they can make the best possible decisions to remain successful in the long term.


in Berlin seit 2018


Digital experts
always online available


werden monatlich gelöst

Portfolio from Customers and Referenzen from our current projects

With a firework of creative ideas, we create unique brand experiences that appeal to your audience with every fibre and inspire and touch them with all their senses.

Strategy. Branding. Design. Implementation.
  • Earthfaces


    Schwitzhütten, Naturrituale & Coaching
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • BVGF e. V.

    BVGF e. V.

    Berufsverband Gesundeitsförderung e. V.
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • Lomi Wai Massage

    Lomi Wai Massage

    Hawaiianische Ganzkörpermassage Lomi Lomi
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • Helen Zilke

    Helen Zilke

    Achtsamkeitskurse & Coaching
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • SAJA e.V.

    SAJA e.V.

    Studien- & Arbeitsgruppe Joanna de Angelis e. V.
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • Reinhold Hahn

    Reinhold Hahn

    Art, Malerei, Fotografie & Skulptur
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • FS40 Shop

    FS40 Shop

    Interior & Accessoires Handmade
    Technologie Stack

    Shopify, React, MySQL, NGINX, Redis, Ruby, GraphQL, Memcached, OpenResty, Lua, Unicorn

  • Ina Berlin

    Ina Berlin

    Internationale Akademie Berlin (INA)
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • FS40 Tischlerei

    FS40 Tischlerei

    Möbel, Innenausbau & Drechslerei
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • Durchbruch e. V.

    Durchbruch e. V.

    Ausbildung für junge Wilde
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

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